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Stuart Church Reconstruction Takes Another Step Forward

WHO-TV- 13

December 29, 2008--The comeback continues for a historic Iowa church destroyed by arson thirteen years ago. In 1995 a Des Moines man set All Saint's Church in Stuart on fire. By the time it was put out, only the walls were intact.

Today the transformation of the old church into a community cultural center took a big step forward. Construction crews lifted a nine-ton copper dome onto the top of the church. The rest of the 100-year-old Byzantine-style building should be finished by next winter.

"I know there's a lot of people that have passed on that have supported this project, and I know they're watching down today and maybe they have something to do with it," said Dick Doherty of Stuart.

The $2.4 million project has been financed from several grants, including Vision Iowa money. $1.7 million came from a bond referendum approved by Stuart voters.


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